Dissertação/Mestrado: O RPG e a escola - múltiplas linguagens e competências em jogo. (Luiz Eduardo Ricon de Freitas)
Este trabalho registra e analisa criticamente uma experiência de inserção dos jogos de RPG (Role Playing Game) como parte integrante do currículo de uma escola particular da zona sul do Rio de Janeiro, com o objetivo de se trabalhar a expressividade e a criatividade dos alunos por meio do uso de múltiplas linguagens e também como meio de se promover o desenvolvimento de variadas competências dentro de sala de aula. Ao todo, 69 crianças e jovens dos 9 aos 17 anos, alunos da 5ª série do Ensino Fundamental ao 2º ano do Ensino Médio, participaram das oficinas focalizadas nesta pesquisa. A metodologia utilizada no trabalho de campo incluiu tanto a observação, apoiada em cadernos de campo e fotografias, quanto a análise dos artefatos produzidos pelos alunos durante (e para) as sessões de jogo, sob a forma de descrições dos personagens, histórias, textos diversos, desenhos, mapas, maquetes etc, além da participação na montagem de mostras dos trabalhos, visitadas por pais, professores, familiares e demais membros da comunidade escolar. Ao lado do teatro, da música, da dança, do vídeo, dos desenhos animados e de outras linguagens e meios de expressão artística e cultural, a prática de jogos como o RPG, que reúnem ludicidade e criatividade, pode servir como forma de se aproximar o ambiente da escola do mundo complexo, múltiplo e multi-midiático no qual as crianças e os jovens das grandes cidades se encontram imersos em seu dia-a-dia.
Palavras-chave: RPG; Role Playing Games; Jogos Educativos; Múltiplas Linguagens;
Desenvolvimento de Competências.
Palavras-chave: RPG; Role Playing Games; Jogos Educativos; Múltiplas Linguagens;
Desenvolvimento de Competências.
This work documents an experiment in which Role Playing Games were part of the curriculum in a private school in Rio de Janeiro. The game was used as a tool to promote expression and creativity among the students and also the development of several competencies inside the classroom. Sixty-nine children and adolescents (ages 9 to 17, from the 5th to the 10th grade) took part in the workshops studied here. The filedwork methodology included observation, supported by field notes and photos, along with the analysis of artifacts produced by the students during (and for) the game sessions, such as character profiles, stories, assorted texts, drawings, maps, schetches, mock ups and others, and also their engajement in the preparation of a show, visited by parents, teachers, family membres and other members of the school community. As with theater, music, dace, video-production, animation and other forms of artistic and cultural expression, games like RPGs, that unite creativity and fun, might serve as a way
to straighten the ties between the school and the complex, multiple and multi-midiatic world where children and adolescents in major cities are imersed in day-to-day basis.
Keywords: RPG; Role Playing Games; Educational Games; Multiple Languages;
This work documents an experiment in which Role Playing Games were part of the curriculum in a private school in Rio de Janeiro. The game was used as a tool to promote expression and creativity among the students and also the development of several competencies inside the classroom. Sixty-nine children and adolescents (ages 9 to 17, from the 5th to the 10th grade) took part in the workshops studied here. The filedwork methodology included observation, supported by field notes and photos, along with the analysis of artifacts produced by the students during (and for) the game sessions, such as character profiles, stories, assorted texts, drawings, maps, schetches, mock ups and others, and also their engajement in the preparation of a show, visited by parents, teachers, family membres and other members of the school community. As with theater, music, dace, video-production, animation and other forms of artistic and cultural expression, games like RPGs, that unite creativity and fun, might serve as a way
to straighten the ties between the school and the complex, multiple and multi-midiatic world where children and adolescents in major cities are imersed in day-to-day basis.
Keywords: RPG; Role Playing Games; Educational Games; Multiple Languages;
Fonte: http://www.maxwell.lambda.ele.puc-rio.br/Busca_etds.php?strSecao=resultado&nrSeq=9584%401
(Acesso em 24/08/2011.)
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